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As of late July of 2017, Croatia has entered the circle of European countries that have their own licence for the publication of open data, i.e. for the provision of information for re-use upon users’ requests. Earlier on, and in line with the possibilities provided by the EU Directive on the re-use of public sector information, some countries had adopted their own open licences (the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy), along with the possibility of using standard open licenses, such as the Creative Commons licence.

The Ordinance on the types and contents of permits that determine the conditions for the re-use of information, issued by the Minister of Administration and published in the Official Gazette 67/17 on 12 July 2017, establishes the types of permits to be used when opening data i.e. when enabling the re-use of information upon request; the published Croatian open licence is attached below. You can find the Ordinance and the corresponding open licence here (in Croatian).
